
Home Loan Fast Refinance Product
What is Fast Refinance? Fast refinance is a way for borrowers to move their loan to a different lender without giving their current bank a chance to slow down the process. Every day that you

Should I Fix My Home Loan In 2023?
Typically lasting between one to five years, the interest rate on a fixed-rate loan cannot increase during that time. Your payments won’t change during the fixed-rate period, no matter what happens to interest rates in

How to negotiate a lower interest rate on your home loan
If you feel like you’ll never be done paying off your home loan, you might need to negotiate for a lower interest rate. It would be best if you looked over your home loan every

Parliament Approves Stamp Duty Reforms
First home buyers can opt this weekend to pay land tax after historic stamp duty laws pass. New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet’s long-promised property reforms finally passed parliament, allowing first-time homebuyers to opt out

Shared Equity Scheme
Teachers, Nurses, Police Officers, Single Parents, and people over the age of 50 are all protected by new shared equity scheme. The NSW Government’s $780.4 million shared equity scheme passed Parliament today. This means that

Healing Homes: Customised Loans for Nurses in Australia
The Unsung Heroes Deserve a Home Nurses are the backbone of any healthcare system. Working long hours and always putting others first, it’s only fitting that when it comes to buying a home, the process

5 Great Ways to Earn in Real Estate
If you’re looking for a way to make money in real estate, you’ve probably been told that the best way is by listing and selling property. But there are so many other options! Here are

SMSF Refinance
The Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) permits the refinancing of a limited recourse borrowing arrangement loan if specific criteria are met. SMSF loans, like any other property loan, can be refinanced, allowing the Fund

What is SMSF?
What is a self-managed super fund loan? SMSF loans, also known as Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements, allow SMSF trustees to borrow money to purchase an investment property that they may not be able to afford