About us

We Provide The Exceptional Service We’d Want To Experience Ourselves.
OzBroker Plus is a Sydney based mortgage brokage company.
We started this mortgage broker platform in 2017 with several passionate mortgage-brokers with strong IT backgrounds. With a belief that digital banking and other online services can reshape the mortgage application process, we strive to make the online loan application easier to understand and the progress as smooth as possible.
Our platform has been expertly built to understand your personal needs and tailored to provide the correctly matched loan products.

Our Business
Delivers the exceptional service we’d want to experience ourselves. We place your financial needs above those of any lender, ourselves or our aggregator. Our duty at OzBroker Plus is to ensure you obtain a loan which is appropriate (in terms of loan amount and structure), affordable, suitable for your needs and requirements and delivered in a responsible manner which provides you with a good outcome.

Our decision making systems offer expert advice for refinancing or the first home purchase. It always combines advanced machine calculation with a human touch.

Transparency and Clarity
Operating according to the highest standards of integrity, we will be transparent about products and options and applicable fees and charges. We will also communicate in straightforward language to ensure you can make the most informed decisions.

We are positioned with partners in all segments around the home loan industry. This is a key component of providing an all-in-one solution which can save you thousands. Accredited lenders include: ANZ, Bank of China, Bluestone, Citibank, ING, Macquarie Bank, NAB, St George Bank, Suncorp Bank, Westpac and more.

Meet Victor Wang
I am a mortgage broker with an extensive IT background. Before becoming a broker, I was a developer with 10 years experiening specialising in eCommerce solutions.
I started Ozbroker Plus with a keen understanding of the way online mortgage broking could be optimised – sales practice, calculation and solution delivery combining with automated technologies. Now I have been accredited by over 20 lenders in Australia and the business is growing rapidly.