Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Broker

Commercial Real Estate Investment Loans

Owning a piece of commercial real estate is not just an investment; it's a significant milestone. It’s about creating a legacy, fostering community development, and achieving financial freedom. OZBroker helps you navigate the complexities of financing these substantial investments. With us, you get the expertise of a professional commercial real estate mortgage broker.

Commercial Real Estate Financing

Various financing solutions exist if you’re looking to buy a commercial building, and the best fit will hinge on your specific situation. Whether you’re acquiring the property as an investor—either directly or via your self-directed retirement fund—or as a business owner for operational purposes, different loan options can match your needs.

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Investing in Commercial Real Estate: What You Need to Know

Commercial real estate operates in a manner somewhat similar to its residential counterpart, but it’s crucial to understand the unique variables that come into play.

On one side, a commercial real estate property can offer continuous rental income from the tenant—referred to as the “lessee” in commercial terms—as well as the opportunity for long-term asset appreciation.

However, the resemblance mostly ends there.

What Kinds of Properties Can You Invest In?

In the realm of commercial real estate, properties are typically zoned as commercial, industrial, or retail by local councils. Here’s a breakdown:

Regular Commercial Properties: Think office buildings, warehouses, and manufacturing plants.

Specialized Commercial Spaces: These are properties like hotels, bars, childcare facilities, and gas stations. Be aware that these often have limited Loan-to-Value Ratios (LVRs) and don’t qualify for discounted interest rates.

Commercial or Residential Developments: Policies for these types of loans are different from regular commercial investment loans, so be sure to check for specific guidelines.

Empty Land: This has its own set of policies to be aware of.

For a deeper dive, check out our dedicated sections on each type of commercial property.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Investing in Commercial Real Estate

There are several types of mortgages available in the New South Wales market, each with its benefits and drawbacks. As a knowledgeable Mortgage Broker in NSW, we can help you identify the best option for you.

Longer Leases: Commercial leases often last between 5 to 10 years, providing more reliable rental income compared to residential leases that last only 6 to 12 months.

Higher Rental Yield: This typically results in a positive cash flow.

Easier to Sell: A commercial property with a reliable, long-term tenant who has consistently paid rent can be simpler to sell than residential properties.

Lower Risk Compared to Stocks and Bonds: Commercial properties are usually considered safer financial assets.

Lengthy Vacancy Periods: Empty commercial spaces can take longer to fill, posing a substantial financial risk.

Target Tenant Risks: You’re more likely to rent to small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs), which carry a risk since about 80% of SMEs fail within the first five years.

Higher Maintenance Costs: Upgrading a property to meet industry standards can be pricey, especially in sectors with strict regulations, like childcare centers or gas stations.

Initial Incentives for Tenants: Attracting new tenants often requires offering rent free periods (up to 6 months) and free initial setups. However, if you land a long term tenant, these costs can often pay for themselves.

Economic Sensitivity: Your investment is susceptible not just to the rental market but also to broader economic trends. For instance, a downturn in the economy can lead to businesses closing, while stricter government regulations can impact places like bars and clubs.

By understanding these pros and cons, you can make a more informed decision about investing in commercial properties.

Longer Lease Terms, Greater Returns, but Elevated Risk

Firstly, when you invest in commercial real estate, you’ll be required to pay GST, which amounts to 10% of the purchase price. Make sure to include this in your initial budget calculations.

The silver lining here is that commercial leases are generally more extended, often starting at a minimum of five years. Additionally, the lessee usually covers most of the building-related expenses like repairs and maintenance. This makes commercial properties a potentially high-yield, low-maintenance investment.

That said, commercial real estate is generally considered riskier than residential properties. Even though rental yields can be attractive, commercial properties may experience longer periods of vacancy. Moreover, selling commercial properties can be more challenging due to a smaller and specialized buyer pool.

Factors Beyond Your Control

Whereas people will always require residential spaces to live in, the success of commercial real estate often depends on the health of the local economy.

You can mitigate this risk by selecting commercial properties located in areas with a diversified economy and structures that could attract a wide variety of businesses. Additionally, make sure to assess your cash flow projections to determine how well you could weather vacant periods.

Our Guidance is Key for a Successful Investment

Your OzBroker experts can assist you in exploring various financing options and will also help you understand different loan strategies for acquiring commercial properties, including options like investing through a self-managed super fund.

We are here to help you identify the most fitting financial solutions tailored to your situation. We consider both the interest rate and various features that could make loan management easier for you.

Meanwhile, let’s explore how commercial real estate can be beneficial under two separate conditions:

  1. Investing in commercial real estate, and
  2. Acquiring commercial property for your own business location.

The Importance of a Trusted Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Broker

A qualified commercial real estate mortgage broker can be your linchpin for a successful investment. We serve as your trusted advisor, helping you secure commercial real estate investment loans that align with your financial goals and needs. Whether you’re looking to buy retail space, office buildings, or industrial units, our role is to ensure you have the financing to make it happen.

Unlock the Potential of Commercial Real Estate Investment Loans

Financing is often the biggest hurdle in securing a lucrative commercial property. This is where commercial real estate investment loans come into play. These specialized loans can be customised to meet your specific needs, allowing for flexible payment terms and competitive interest rates. With the right loan, you can unlock untapped potential and create a steady income stream.

The Versatility of Commercial Real Estate Investment Loans

Not all commercial real estate investment loans are created equal. Some are better suited for long-term investments, while others offer short-term solutions. As your a commercial real estate mortgage broker, we can guide you through the diverse range of financing options to identify the one that meets your objectives.

Tailored Solutions for Every Investor

Our goal is to make the process of securing a commercial real estate loan as straightforward and transparent as possible. We work closely with you to understand your unique financial landscape, ensuring that we find a loan that not only gets you the property you desire but also complements your long-term investment strategy.

Why Choose Us as Your Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Broker 

When it comes to commercial real estate investment loans, every detail matters — from the interest rates to the repayment terms. With us, you’ll not only secure a loan that meets your needs but also gain a partner committed to your financial success. 

Taking the Next Steps: What to Expect

So, you’ve decided that a commercial real estate investment is the right path for you. What’s next? Engaging a reliable commercial real estate mortgage broker can streamline the process from start to finish.


Our first step is to understand your investment goals and financial capabilities.

Loan Comparison

We present you with multiple commercial real estate investment loan options, helping you make an informed decision.

Application and Approval

With your chosen loan, we assist in the application process to ensure quick approvals.

Closing the Deal

Once approved, we guide you through the closing process, making sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Achieve Your Financial Goals with Commercial Real Estate Investment Loans

By choosing us as your commercial real estate mortgage broker, you are investing in a service that is dedicated to your financial growth and success. From securing the best rates to finding the most flexible terms, we are here to serve your commercial property needs.

Owning a Commercial Space for Your Business Operations

Owning the physical location where your business operates offers various benefits, and investing in commercial real estate allows you to enjoy these perks.
When you’re at the helm of your own business, it’s crucial for your clients to identify your brand with a specific location.

Renting a space might seem cost-effective in the short run, but it doesn’t offer long-term stability. This makes a strong case for purchasing your own business property, and there are several strategies to accomplish this.

Acquiring Property in Your Business’s Name

When you buy the property under your business name, it becomes a company asset. The income generated by your business will cover the mortgage repayments. Over time, the growing equity in your property can also serve as collateral for other business related loans.

Consult OzBroker for Expert Guidance

The realm of commercial real estate can be intricate, which is why consulting with an OzBroker specialist is advisable. We can collaborate with your accountant to identify the best financial solution tailored for you. Being small business owners ourselves, we grasp the intricacies of commercial financing and can offer valuable insights to ensure your loan application is successful.

Investing in commercial real estate can be a complex but rewarding journey. With the right commercial real estate mortgage broker by your side, that journey becomes a whole lot easier. Your dreams are within reach; all it takes is the right financing to turn those dreams into reality.

From consultation to closing, we are your go-to source for commercial real estate investment loans. Connect with us today, and let’s make your commercial property ambitions come to life.

Ready to make your commercial real estate investment dreams a reality? Contact us to schedule your consultation today.


Mortgage investments involve lending money directly to real estate buyers or investing in a mortgage-backed security. It can offer stable returns and be a method to diversify your investment portfolio.

During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our mortgage professionals continue to operate and are at your service. Should you require any help with securing a home loan, don’t hesitate to contact us right away.

To start investing in mortgages, you can contact a qualified mortgage broker or a financial advisor to discuss your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and investment amounts to find suitable mortgage investment options.

While mortgage investment can be relatively secure, it comes with risks like any other investment. It’s essential to thoroughly assess and understand the risk levels, property values, and borrower’s ability to repay the loan.

Yes, even if you are a novice, a professional mortgage broker can guide you through the process, ensuring you understand all aspects of mortgage investment and helping you make informed decisions.

The returns can vary based on factors like interest rates, loan-to-value ratios, and the term of the mortgage. A qualified mortgage broker can provide specific details based on your investment preferences.

When you invest in a mortgage, you are essentially lending money secured by real estate, earning interest on the loan. Buying real estate involves purchasing property, with returns coming from property appreciation and rental income.

Yes, investing in mortgages through your SMSF is possible, but there are specific regulations and rules to follow. Seek advice from a financial advisor or mortgage broker knowledgeable in SMSF lending.

Mortgage investments usually have a fixed term. The liquidity of your investment may be limited during this period. Discuss the terms and conditions with your mortgage broker before investing.

If a borrower defaults, the mortgage investor has the right to take legal action to recover the investment, including selling the property. Having a diversified mortgage investment can help mitigate this risk.

Typically, your mortgage broker or the mortgage investment manager makes lending decisions based on risk assessments, but you can usually set criteria or preferences for the types of loans you are comfortable with.

Talk to us about commercial property today

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