No Deposit Loans

Understanding No-Deposit Home Loans with OzBroker

Navigating the world of home loans can be daunting, especially when you’re new to the property market. Saving for a deposit can be a significant hurdle for many aspiring homeowners. That’s why OzBroker is here to provide you with comprehensive information on no-deposit home loans and how they might be the right option for you.

What Are No-Deposit Home Loans?

A no-deposit home loan allows you to borrow 100% of the property value, essentially enabling you to buy a home without an upfront deposit. The most common form of this in Australia is the guarantor home loan. Unlike traditional loans that require at least a 5% deposit, no-deposit loans offer alternative pathways to homeownership.

How Much Can I Borrow with a No-Deposit Home Loan?

With no-deposit loans, you can potentially borrow:

  • Up to 105% of the property value with a guarantor.
  • Up to 100% using equity in another property.
  • Up to 95% with the First Home Guarantee or a gift as a deposit.
  • Up to 95% under a shared equity scheme.

Will I Get Approved?

Approval likelihood is highest with guarantor loans, which are considered low-risk by lenders. OzBroker can help you navigate the approval process, ensuring you meet all necessary criteria.

Available Interest Rates

We offer competitive interest rates tailored to your specific needs. Please contact us for more information.

Lenders at Your Service

We work with specialists and major lenders to give you a wide array of options.

Do You Qualify?

OzBroker can help you determine if you qualify for a no-deposit home loan, giving you the freedom to buy property anywhere in Australia.

Why Consider a Guarantor Home Loan?

For Borrowers

  • No need for a deposit.
  • No Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) required.
  • Potentially lower interest rates.

For Guarantors

  • Fixed liability, minimizing financial risk.
  • The guarantee can be released under specific conditions.

Using Home Equity as a Deposit

If you already own property, you may be able to use its equity as a deposit, providing a smooth pathway to obtaining a home loan.

Low-Deposit Options

If no-deposit loans are not suitable, consider the First Home Guarantee program, which allows as low as a 5% deposit and offers substantial benefits like LMI waivers.

Pros and Cons of No-Deposit Loans


  • Faster entry into the housing market.
  • Potential for government assistance.


  • Stricter eligibility criteria.
  • Risk of negative equity.

How to Get Approved

Lenders focus on several criteria for no-deposit loans, including your credit history, employment stability, and property type. OzBroker is here to help you through each step of the approval process.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Understanding no-deposit home loans is crucial for making an informed decision. If you’re interested in learning more or finding out if you qualify, don’t hesitate to contact OzBroker today. We’re here to help you secure the right home loan for your needs.

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