
Home loans when you’re casually employed
You might think it’s impossible to get a home loan when you’re a casual – but not so! Still, unfortunately, it’s true – a lot of lenders will baulk at requests from these types of

Buying a Property Through Self-Managed Superannuation Fund
Putting you in charge of your superannuation destiny, a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund might be a great way for you to get into the property market. However, it’s important to do your homework – there are

How to get a home loan while you’re on maternity leave
The joy of becoming pregnant is no reason to put the joy of buying a home on hold! There are, for example, actually maternity home loan options out there expressly designed for people in this

How you can get that first investment loan
Are you feeling ready to get into the property market? Want to make an investment that could help set you up for life? Well, it’s a smart idea. If you plan things properly – scoping

What is an “Interest Only In Advance” Home Loan?
An “Interest Only In Advance Home Loan” lets you pre-pay the following year’s interest. That means you can claim it as a tax deduction for the current tax period – thereby receiving some of the

What is a Rate Lock?
Basically this is when the interest rate you applied for is literally locked in prior to settlement. Why is this potentially important? Because it is quite common for you to suddenly find that your home

Cross-collateralization: How you can use equity to buy your investment property
Many property investors are unaware of cross-collateralization. But wrapping your head around this means of loan structuring – its pros and cons – can be an important part of developing your property investment portfolio.

When was your last home loan health check?
Things can change over time – and your home loan may not always be as ideal for you as it once was. Getting a home loan health check can show, for example, if you’re currently

What Investment Property Loan Structure Should You Use?
The way your loan is structured can potentially have a big impact for your return on a property investment. We therefore strongly recommend you put some time into getting your loan structure right. With that